IDCA Membership

Dedicated to improving our civil justice system

IDCA members are lawyers and claims professionals actively engaged in the practice of law or in work relating to the handling of claims and the defense of legal actions in the State of Iowa.
Our mission is to be the trusted professional voice for the defense of civil litigants. We work toward our mission through advocacy, education and member engagement.

Membership Benefits include:

  • CLE Webinars
  • Jury Verdict Database
  • Amicus Briefs
  • Advocacy and Representation
  • Annual Meeting & Seminar
  • The Defense Update Newsletter
  • Listserv
  • Committee Participation
  • Online Membership Directory

See a detailed list of our member benefits.


Access Member Resources

Join IDCA to receive access to the Members Only section of the website. Connect to members on the listserv and through social media. Access Defense Update newsletter, the Jury Verdict database, and register for an upcoming education events at the member rate.

Participate and Contribute

Serve on a committee, author an article for Defense Update or submit an Amicus Brief.


Membership in IDCA increases your exposure in the legal defense community. You can build your resume, explore leadership opportunities, and receive education specific to your areas of practice. IDCA is committed to providing you with a meaningful experience that will enhance your practice.

New Members

First-time Lawyer Members will enjoy their first year of IDCA membership at no cost!
After your first year, the pricing structure is:

  • 2nd Year in Practice: $125
  • 3rd Year in Practice: $175
  • 4 or more years: $350
  • Law Students: No cost

Which type of membership is right for you?


Members of the bar actively engaged in the practice of law who have the highest professional standing, and devote a substantial portion of his or her professional time to the representation of persons, governmental entities and/or businesses in the defense of civil claims and litigation.

Claims Professionals

Any person actively engaged in work relating to the handling of civil claims and litigation are eligible for membership.


Law students in good standing working towards admission to the bar are eligible for membership. Law students receive complimentary membership.

Applicants become members upon the affirmative vote of the Board of Directors. Each new member receives access to the Members Only section of the IDCA website and listserv, and will receive a one-year membership in IDCA and DRI (for those who qualify).